Author: dev dev

It’s that time of year again.  You think I’m going to talk about Valentines Day, don’t you?  No.  Not today. It’s the time of year where winter seems to be taking FOREVER to turn into spring.  The holidays are over.  Even the first month of…

It’s that time of year again. Valentines day is one of my favorite holidays, not because of the chalky heart shaped candies or the flowers (though I do like flowers), but because it is a day all about the love!  The commercialized, high-pressure side of…

It’s looking like love around here at the spa! Thinking of a gift for yourself or others? Come by our NW location. We have new rings, necklaces and earrings on display, new springtime greeting cards for your perusal and  incredible chocolates, caramels and hand-made toffees. And guess what? …

In my last blog I wrote about the agreements that our words create in the world and how our words become “tools of magic” when we keep these agreements.  As promised, today we’re going to discuss what to do when you are out of integrity…

There are 4 steps to consciously manifesting the life you want: visualizing it, being present, having integrity in your words, and consistently applying yourself.  Today I am going to write about having integrity in your words, since it is a step that I am super…

We women (and men!) often have a hard time taking care of ourselves. This can be especially true if we work in the health and wellness community in which taking care of others is our main concern.  But you’d be amazed at how much self…

With the start of a new year (and not just any year – 2012), many of us take the time to think about what we resolve to change, begin, explore or release during the upcoming year.  Now that 2012 is underway, perhaps many of us…

The Dragontree PDX is so happy to have a new Lead Therapist on our team. Having only been working with The Dragontree for a few months, Steven Burbank has already proven to be such a great addition. Steven prides himself on providing an immensely high…

You know when you are in a major funk for no real reason and you just can’t seem to snap out of it?  Well, sometimes, right around the corner is the feeling of fantastic!  It’s all just about getting there.  Here is the quickest, easiest…

Here’s a picture of our new loofah soap!  I was fortunate to try out during the initial stages of creating…and I love it!  The loofah really lasts along time.  My favorite….TRANSCEND! ~Robert Goergen, NW Spa Director

I have the strangest feeling about this year.  Leading up to it and since it started, I’ve had a feeling that it’s going to be a good one. The last several years have been some of the hardest of my life.  The last two have been the…

I love to bake, my husband Peter hates when I have unhealthy baked goods in the house.  Today, this was my compromise: Pecan Cranberry Steel – Cut Oat Cookies 3/4 cup butter 1 1/2 cups baking stevia 1 tablespoon maple syrup 1 teaspoon baking powder…

“This one step – choosing a goal and sticking to it – changes everything.” – Scott Reed Isn’t the New Year fun?  Even though it is an arbitrary division of time, when we collectively decide that it means something – magic happens!  I’m feeling it! …

“True life is lived when tiny changes occur.” ~ Leo Tolstoy A lot of people begin the New Year by making resolutions. We’ve all been there. We take a vow to lose weight, exercise more or spend more time with our family. We start the year with…

I’ve been using it for years now, and I stand consistently amazed by the healing properties of Bindi Neem Oil! A Dragontree esthetician originally suggested it to me for dry eczema patches I had on my arms … little did I know that it would…

I am creating lots of space in my life for a mind-blowing 2012!  In this video I share a few of my favorite things to do for the New Year and one thing that I ask that you do with me! After you watch the…

I had a really great experience recently, and it was accompanied by the crystal-clear realization that I had forgotten about the power of touch. One of the main reasons I was drawn to being an Esthetician (and formerly a massage therapist) was that I responded so…

I don’t know about you, but my life is crazy busy and at the time of the holidays it is even more busy.  We spend much of the time traveling back and forth between family and friends to try to see them all and unfortunately,…

Happy Holidays to you and yours!  Here’s a little tool to help you bring more happy into your holidays and your life! Don’t forget to share with me a situation that this shift has changed your reality! Warmly, Briana Borten,  Founder of The Dragontree Spa…

This time of year I always crave big delicious glasses of wine.  Let’s just say it definitely helps put me in a more festive mood. However, this isn’t always as easy to make happen as you would think. The reason being I am not a…

YOU ARE NOT YOUR RESULTS.  You are not your accomplishments or your failures.  You are the creative source, but not the creation.  Attaching your self-worth to the outcome of your actions is like attaching your self-worth to the weather.  If you do this, you’re apt…