The Sandwich that Started Our Coaching Program

The Sandwich that Started Our Coaching Program

Several years ago, a growing number of people who had read my and Briana’s books or taken our courses began asking us to train them to coach others using the concepts we teach. Without consulting with me, Briana announced that we were going to do it.

I can’t say I was delighted when I heard the news. I said something like, “You do realize this means creating an entire, comprehensive curriculum on life coaching?”

“Yes!” she said. I think she was actually clapping and maybe even jumping up and down.

“I mean, like, everything a person should know before being in a position of guiding others,” I added.

“Of course!” she said. Then she asked, “Can you make me a sandwich?”

“It’s going to be sooooo much work,” I said.

“Not really,” she replied. “Just mayonnaise, mustard, arugula, tomato, capers, goat cheese, and bread.”

“The capers are going to fall out,” I sighed.

“Oh, and avocado too, please! It’s going to be AMAZING!”

“The sandwich?”

“No, silly. The coaching program!”

And that’s our work/marriage dynamic, folks. It’s like this (almost) all the time.

A couple years, thousands of hours of work, and many sandwiches later – which was longer than Briana expected and shorter than I expected – we had a coaching program. And despite that ridiculous first conversation, it turned out very, very well.

If you’ve ever thought about doing work like this – helping others to get clear, achieve their goals, hone their gifts, become organized, forge a stronger spiritual connection, build community, come into their power, heal their relationships, and more – now’s the time. Everyone has already learned how to use Zoom for video conferencing.

Besides offering a thorough, heart-centered curriculum in how to be an excellent life coach, we include a great additional course in how to run your own business. After all, you can only really dedicate yourself to this noble work if you’re able to earn a living doing it.

I know you’ll grow so much through this work. Click HERE to check it out. 

Be well,


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