30 May Take a deep breath and relax…your skin will thank you!
This time of year is always very exciting and busy. If you are a student you are taking notes and cramming for final exams. Parents are finalizing family vacations, play dates and group sports for their children and themselves. And everyone else is getting bombarded with camping trip and barbeque evites via Facebook. It’s all fun (well, apart from taking finals) but when it’s all added up it can be very stressful!
The four comments I keep getting from my clients recently are:
- My skin feels so dehydrated
- My skin looks really dull
- I’m breaking out along my jawline and chin a lot lately
- I have little red bumps on my forehead
All of these conditions can be directly linked to stress. Forget that morning cup of caffeine, stress is the most dehydrating thing you can do to your skin. Essential oils for your skin is great for hydrating your skin. It can cause your skin to look and feel dull and dry, cause breakouts along your jawline/chin/upperneck area, and the most common condition I’ve been seeing lately are the tiny little red bumps along the forehead. Depending on your skin type, being dehydrated (whether it’s from stress, poor water intake, etc) can be really irritating to your epidermis. This irritation can present itself in little under the surface red bumps. They aren’t pimples so be sure to leave them be, rather than treating them with any sort of acne spot treatment that will further dehydrate your skin. You will do far more good spending a day or two being ultra-aware of how much water you’re drinking.
My suggestions to help beat stress & get your skin hydrated:
- Drink more water
*So few people I meet are properly hydrated. Rather than asking how hydrated you are, you should ask how dehydrated you are! Especially in Portland where everyone is so active all year long. Drink more water than you feel you need, and always drink BEFORE you feel thirsty.
- Meditate to soothe stress
*I know, I know…who has the time, right? Well make time friends! Because the benefits of designating a bit of every day to be still and breathe are endless. Internally, externally, mentally, physically, spiritually…there are so many perks! It took me a while to be convinced enough to make this a habit, but now it will be one for life!
- Look to your diet
*What you put in your body is a direct reflection of how it functions. Our skin is our largest organ yet it is the one to receive nutrients and hydration last. So the more leafy green veggies you eat and water you drink, the better your insides will function and your outsides will look. Eat a lot of colorful fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins minerals and antioxidants, and your skin will thank you!
Cheers to better health and beautiful skin this summer!
Neva (Lead Esthetician – Dragontree NW Thurman)
Posted at 04:20h, 24 DecemberI have extremely dry and sensitive skin. A little bit of pressure on face and it reddens and the next day it will turn dark. This dark colour remain.
Will breathing exercises help Skin dryness, dehydration and sensitivity