Could your skin condition be inflammation?

Could your skin condition be inflammation?

What do you know about inflammation?

For almost all of us the answer is, not enough.  Inflammation can cause a wide array of issues and reactions in our bodies.  Diabetes, arthritis, hypertension, allergies, obesity, eczema, many cancers…inflammation can either cause or contribute to all of these.  Targeting the cause of inflammation in our bodies can benefit our long term health. The first step in the right direction is educating ourselves.

I’ve read a few amazing books on the topic recently that I suggest to almost every client I see because inflammation can often present itself in skin conditions. The two books I’ve listed below not only cover the causes and symptoms of chronic inflammation, they tell you exactly how to fight it.  Supplements and dietary alterations can work wonders to fight or drastically reduce inflammatory response within the body.  If a few very simple and subtle lifestyle changes can prevent a future of poor health, disease and/or discomfort, wouldn’t you like to know about them?

I hope you find these books and websites as helpful and informative as I have!

*The Inflammation Syndrome by Jack Challem

*The Anti-Inflammation Diet and Recipe Book by Jessica Black, N.P.



Neva, Lead Esthetician

The Dragontree Holistic Day Spa

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