Pain Relief

A patient last week told me a story I’ve heard many times in many forms. She started experiencing chest pain that radiated down her left arm. She went to the hospital. There was nothing wrong with her that any test could reveal. She wasn’t having…

Years ago, a woman in her 70s came to see me with a long list of health problems. It seemed there was something wrong with almost every area of her life. As I listened to sound of defeat in her voice as she described the…

The other day, an adventurous friend of mine sent me a picture of himself immersed in slurry of icy water. The photo was taken on a rooftop, on a cloudy winter day, with empty ice bags scattered around the metal tub. His eyes were closed…

In this month’s series on pain, I’ve detailed the interventions that I feel make the biggest difference in sustainable pain management without medication. I haven’t mentioned drugs because I feel their side effects make most of them inferior for chronic pain management. For short term…

This month’s we’ve been focusing on non-pharmaceutical approaches to pain relief. (If you missed the previous articles you can click to read part one and part two.) The Chinese Medicine concept that’s been central to our discussions is that all forms of pain are caused…

In last week’s article, I introduced the Chinese Medicine concept that all forms of pain are caused by stagnation, and I explained that the standard of care for traumatic injuries – rest, ice, compression, and elevation – may actually inhibit the healing process. This week…

This month’s theme is one of my specialties: pain management. There’s so much I could write about dealing with pain, but the fact is the approaches that are of greatest benefit to most people don’t need much explanation. As with most simple things, they’re easy…

  Calendula is one of the most astringent herbs for the skin, despite it being low in tannins. This makes it gentle, yet extremely effective to combat skin ailments, from minor scrapes and cuts, to rashes, burns, and chapped, dry, cracked and irritated skin. Calendula…

Oh, Imbue.  How I love thee.  Let me count the ways. Last September I started playing ice hockey again.  It had been about 12 years since I’d played and I wasn’t sure if I remembered how to skate or how well my body was going to take it. I…

In this video, Dr. Borten will describe the impact of the ways we use and hold our body.  He will also discuss the influence of diet on chronic pain.

According to legend, this herb was revealed in a dream by an angel to cure the plague, hence the name Angelica, and its nickname, Archangel. All parts of the plant were believed effective against evil spirits and witchcraft, and at one time it was held…

In this video, Dr. Borten discusses more ways to manage your own pain, including hydration and electrolytes, how to use visualization to dissolve your discomfort, and the benefits of massage and acupuncture.

You don’t have to buy stock in advil to live the life you want in a body that feels good! The Imbue “Live Pain Free” video series will share with you essential strategies you MUST know for eliminating pain without drugs or surgery. Look for…