chakras Tag

The crown chakra, called Sahasrara, is situated at the very top of the head, which is an energetic center or portal recognized by cultures worldwide. It’s part of why Jews and Muslims wear head coverings. If the soles of the feet are our closest connection…

The sixth chakra, called Ajna, is an energy center located between the eyebrows. It’s in the region that’s often referred to as the “third eye.” Even if you don’t know anything about chakras, you’re probably familiar with the notion of the third eye. You’ve seen…

In so many ways, the human social experience today is different than it has ever been. One of the most interesting developments is how the internet serves as a platform for public expression. It enables individuals to broadcast their voices to huge audiences they could…

Your third chakra is an important center of power. To understand it, it’s useful to see it in the context of the other chakras, so let’s start with a little review. The first chakra is associated with the earth element, which represents stability. It’s our…

In the last article, we looked at the root chakra, Muladhara, which is associated with the earth element. Earth, more than any of the other elements of nature, exemplifies stability. Thus, this chakra governs the experience of stability in life, having our basic needs met,…

For her birthday, my daughter received a “magic chakra pendant” which consisted of cheap, dyed crystals glued together to form a rainbow in the shape of a pyramid. Shortly thereafter, she and I were shopping and we saw a set of seven “chakra teas” in…